As a doggy parent who likes to say she “dabbles” a bit here and there in astrology, I find it perfectly normal to ask first dates about their zodiac sign. I mean, of all people, my labradoodle, Winston, understands. He knows mama can’t get out of bed before reading her daily horoscope!
I’m even beginning to think our four-legged pals exhibit human characteristics informed by the stars and planets. So, after some passionate research, I’m excited to bring you the 12 zodiac signs based on our sweet pups.
Zodiac Sign, Aries: Your dog is often moody but courageous and determined
March 21st – April 19th

One minute he loves you, another minute he doesn’t. Sound familiar? Then your dog might be an Aries! Say he’s excited to fetch, but one wrong move and he’s gone – not even pretending to be interested.
Although Aries pups are often short-tempered and never take ‘no’ for an answer, they tend to chase after the unfamiliar (squirrels included). So, take them hiking and always let them lead the way.
Taurus: Your dog is often jealous but loves to be loved and to give love
April 20th – May 20th

Stubborn and hot-headed like a bull, your dog might be a Taurus, especially if they catch you playing with another pup. They prefer to have you all to themselves, and are prepared to stake their claim… even by lifting their leg on that pup’s favourite tree if necessary.
But once they have your full attention, a Taurus pup might just be the most devoted pet out there. Heck, they’re so patient and reliable that they’re usually waiting for you by the doorway.
Gemini: Your dog is often picky but a gentle, social soul
May 21st – June 21st

Any pooch can befriend your dog if they’re a Gemini. They tend to socialize with just about anybody (maybe even cats). Curious and open-minded by nature, your Gemini pup is always good company and will diligently wait outside shops and under tables until you’re ready to go.
That’s not to say, however, that they always warm up to anything (or anyone). Gemini doggies can be quite selective, needing time and a good whiff of any newbies. It’s not a bad idea to sneak a little extra food into their bowl for good measure while you’re at it.
Zodiac Sign, Cancer: Your dog is often distrusting yet loyal
June 22nd – July 22nd

Dogs who align with Cancer tend to be overly insecure and suspicious of newcomers. They may even shiver with anxiety, whimper whenever you walk off, or prefer being held.
Yet, when given a chance, a Cancer canine can truly be man’s best friend. Whether they’re in your passenger seat or laying beside your bed on a sick day, these pooches hold loyalty that knows no bounds.
Leo: Your dog is often demanding but overwhelmingly charming
July 23rd – August 22nd

To be a Leo human is one thing, but Leo canines are on a whole other level. If your pup often demands attention and prefers the luxury of your bed over theirs, then there’s a roaring Leo deep down.
Regardless of breed, Leo dogs manage to sway people to fall for their stubborn ways. Watch out for their tendency to coax you into giving out higher-value treats and going on longer walks. At the end of the day, any adventure with them is bound to be fun.
Virgo: Your dog is often worried but hardworking
August 23rd – September 22nd

Does your pooch bark at everything, including silence? They might just be a worry-wart. In other words, a typical Virgo. They tend to make big deals out of small noises like the doorbell ringing or a bird chirping in the distance.
Virgo pups can also be very active as they enjoy frequent walks, digging endlessly (sometimes even for nothing), and getting up before dusk for a run. You just have to learn how to keep up with these hunters.
Zodiac Sign, Libra: Your dog often runs away from conflicts but is a peaceful housemate
September 23rd – October 23rd

Whether it’s something as loud as rumbling thunder or as feisty and small as a Chihuahua, some dogs run from almost any disturbance. These Libras are the kind of canines who would rather peacefully sleep the day away than guard the gate.
Not to mention, Libra doggies are usually welcoming towards others, just as long as everyone’s calm. So, keep over-eager kids off of them and if you find yourself arguing with your partner, do it in hushed tones.
Scorpio: Your dog is often aggressive but confident
October 24th – November 21st

Does your dog keep trying to bite others, no matter how hard you train them? Do they easily snap at just about anyone? Then you’ve got yourself a Scorpio.
Known mostly for their high assertiveness, such Scorpios are kings and queens of their backyard. Others may label it as brave but these Scorpio pups have no fear, not even for the mailman. But that might have something to do with the treats they carry in their bag.
Sagittarius: Your dog is often impatient yet quirky
November 22nd – December 21st

We’ve all seen those dogs that constantly chase their own tail or rotate endlessly in bed until settling into that just-right spot. Those little oddballs are best known as the Sagittarius’s of the doghouse.
And it’s that eccentricity that makes us fall even harder for them. Just prepare for their constant begging, especially at dinnertime.
Capricorn: Your dog is sneaky but reliable
December 22nd – January 19th

For farmers and travelers alike, Capricorn dogs are the best addition to the family. They tend to set an example for others, whether it’s other dogs or even a flock of sheep.
Such strong-willed pups are natural-born leaders, and often sit tall and proud when scanning a crowd. Though, over time, your tricks might not phase them as they can quickly learn to get what they want, when they want it.
Aquarius: Your dog is often aloof but can still be one ‘smart cookie’
January 20th – February 18th

Where are my Aquarians at? You know who you are and if your pup is one, too!
As one of the most intelligent signs, Aquarius dogs can also be airheads at times. All that strategizing over getting another treat probably takes up a lot of space in their brains! Can’t be on 100% of the time, am I right?
And while they might be quick on the trick uptake and boast sharp instincts, Aquarius dogs can sometimes be dismissive of hugs and kisses. But don’t take it personally. They still love you.
Zodiac Sign, Pisces: Your dog is often fearful and overly trusting but is an overall a genuine sweetheart
February 19th – March 20th

A Pisces-like pooch tends to be easily frightened by his surroundings, and maybe even by you!
However, as your resident Pisces warms up to you, they can be very loving. Be careful though, because once they’re comfortable, they might become too trusting of strangers, especially those with a bone! All that said, they wouldn’t mind the house to themselves. Pisces really do love solitude and sleeping.
What sun sign do you think best represents your dog? Does it match yours? We’d love to hear – tell us over at!