Dog looking up in the snow

Snow Activities For Dogs & Winter Enrichment

Snow activities for dogs are extra fun and enriching! Snow days are exciting times for most dogs who enjoy the opportunity to run, jump, and play in the snow. If you have a fenced yard for your dog, snow days are especially fun. There are a variety of activities and games for the snowy conditions. When playing in the snow, many of your dog’s favorite games take on a new challenge. Here are some activities your dog is sure to enjoy.

Built A Fort

If the snow is piling up in your yard, build a fort or igloo for your dog to play in. The size of your fort depends on your dog’s size and how much snow you have. If it’s super snowy, you may even be able to build a snow structure that both you and your dog can fit in together. Use treats and toys inside the snow fort if your dog is nervous about going inside. And remember to offer lots of praise when your dog does go inside. 

Winter Agility

For athletic dogs, a snowy agility course provides ongoing fun. You can build snow hurdles for your dog to pounce over, snow trenches to go through, and snow mounds to weave around. Once you’ve built a snow agility course for your dog, use their favorite treats and toys to encourage them to go through.

Snow Dig

Dogs who love to dig are often big fans of the snow. Designate an area of your dog specifically to let your dog dig in the snow. If you’re concerned about your dog’s digging damaging the grass or plating underneath, you can bring out a small baby pool like your dog probably plays with in the summer. Fill the baby pool with snow, and let your dog have fun digging. To encourage digging behavior in the snow-filled baby pool you can bury toys for your dog to find.

Snow Foraging Area

For dogs who are less certain about running and frolicing in the snow, a foraging area is a fun way to introduce snow playing. Start in an area with shallow snow and drop treats into the snow. Then encourage your dog to find the treats in the snow. Automatically your dog will be rewarded for engaging with the snow. As your dog gets better at sniffing out the treats, you can bury them deeper for an extra challenge.

Snow Fetch

For dogs who enjoy a game of fetch, there’s nothing better than playing your favorite game in a winter wonderland. Toss your dog’s ball or frisbee in the snow and watch them have fun chasing their toy through the snow. Try a soccer ball (or other large ball) which won’t sink in the snow as much. Larger, lighter balls will alleviate frustration for dogs who don’t like their balls getting lost in snow.  Keep in mind that playing fetch in snow is going to be more physically demanding than a regular game of fetch on grass. So remember to keep fetch sessions shorter than usual as your dog will tire faster when running through snow.

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Safety First

When your dog plays outside, make sure that they aren’t too cold. Pay attention to the weather conditions to ensure it’s warm enough to safely play outside. Take regular breaks to go inside and consider winter gear for your dog.  Dogs who aren’t used to cold weather climates, dogs with short coats, young puppies, and elderly dogs get cold the fastest. These dogs need more frequent breaks to warm up. Also, check that snowballs and ice aren’t building up on your dog’s paws and legs which is particularly a problem for long-coated dogs. Let us know which snow activities for dogs you try!