dog left home alone waiting by the window

Is Your Dog Home Alone?

Dogs are often referred to as man’s best friend. However, as much as we love them, there may come a time we need to leave our dog home alone. The question that arises is, how long can you leave a dog home alone?

black and white dog home alone looking outside window

The answer to this question varies depending on several factors, including your dog’s age, breed, and health. Generally, you can leave adult dogs for up to 8 hours a day, but we recommend that you don’t exceed this time. On the other hand, puppies require more frequent attention, and we don’t recommend you leave them alone for more than 4 hours a day.

How long is okay?

As your puppy gets older, it is okay to gradually increase the total amount of time you leave them alone. The PDSA says dogs shouldn’t be alone regularly for more than four hours. Modern Dog Magazine says crated dogs shouldn’t be home alone for more than three or four hours. PAWS Chicago, a nonprofit no-kill shelter, says five to six hours is the max for an adult dog. There isn’t a specific amount experts agree on for every dog, and your dog’s needs might change over time.

It’s important to consider your dog’s breed, age, size, learned routine, established behavior patterns, and health when deciding how long to leave them home alone. Some breeds, like Australian Shepherds and Border Collies, need a lot of exercise and can become destructive if left alone. More than two hours alone could send energetic breeds into a frenzy. On the other hand, Basset Hounds are much more sedentary and relax well on their own.

Things to be aware of when leaving your dog home alone

Note that leaving your dog for extended periods can lead to various issues, including separation anxiety, destructive behavior, and depression. Therefore, ensuring that your dog is adequately prepared and comfortable with being left alone before you do so is crucial.

As social creatures, dogs need interaction and companionship to live healthy lives—even the ones who enjoy their alone time.

How the pandemic changed things

Interestingly, the covid-19 pandemic has impacted many pets’ behaviors, especially when spending time solo. 27% percent of adopted dogs since the pandemic started are demonstrating behavior tied back to a lack of socialization. Almost 20% of newly adopted pups stress out when they are alone. This is likely because their humans were always around!

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Even dogs who were family members before the pandemic have acted differently. 22% of dogs owned pre-pandemic are doing new things—including willingly spending time by themselves in quiet zones and getting fussy when left home alone. 

Since dogs thrive with a routine, changes to our circumstances and schedules can really mess with their heads. Whether you’re a seasoned dog owner or new to the game, leaving your dog alone can be a touchy subject. The key is to ensure their safety, which includes monitoring their mental health.

dog home alone sitting on dog bed

Our top tips for leaving your dog home alone

Here are some tips on how to prepare your dog for being alone:

  1. Gradual training: Start by leaving your dog alone for short periods and gradually increase the time as they become more comfortable.
  2. Create a safe space: Provide your dog with a comfortable and secure area where they can relax and feel safe while you are away.
  3. Keep them entertained: Provide your dog with toys and puzzles filled with their favorite food to keep them occupied and prevent boredom.
  4. Consider hiring a dog sitter or dog walker: If you are away for an extended period, consider hiring a dog sitter or dog walker to check in on your dog and provide them with some company and exercise.
  5. Use technology: Consider using technology such as cameras or pet monitors to keep an eye on your dog and ensure they are safe and comfortable.

In conclusion, how long you can leave your dog home alone depends on several factors, including their age, breed, and health. While you can leave adult dogs alone for up to 8 hours, ensure they are prepared and comfortable beforehand. By following these tips, you can help your dog adjust and ensure they are happy and healthy while home alone.