How Dogs Can Improve Mental Health

It’s often said that dogs are our best friends, so it might not come as a surprise that dogs can also play a big role in improving the overall mental health of their families. Dogs are our best friends, and our constant companions. They support us, comfort us, and are non-judgmentally by our sides no matter what. Dogs don’t care what you look like, how much money you make, or what kind of car you drive. Dogs love us because we are their people. Our dogs don’t care how successful we are, they just want us to throw the ball or cuddle with them. Knowing that there is a being who loves you for who you are can do wonders for to improve mental health

Dogs offer companionship: 

The companionship our dog provides to us is unparalleled. Especially looking at the last two years of social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, studies have shown that dog owners relied more heavily on their dogs for social support during these unprecedented times. It’s not surprising that adoptions of dogs and puppies skyrocketed during the pandemic as people sought out safe ways to find companionship while maintaining social distance protocols. Although the relationship between dogs and people was once dismissed as insignificant, we now are seeing greater cultural understanding about the important role dogs play in our lives. For many dog owners dogs are their best friends, their confidants, their children, or family. Dogs help us to feel less alone and give us someone to share our daily lives with. 

Non-judgmental connection: 

One of the key mental health benefits of having a dog and forming a close relationship with your dog is the non-judgmental way they connect with us. Especially in our busy world and in the age of social media it can be easy to constantly compare yourself to the lives and success of other people. Dogs on the other hand live entirely in the moment and don’t care about any of the superficial things we often feel judged on. Dogs allow us to take our guard down. When we’re with our dogs we don’t have to worry about trying to make a good impression, and instead to be able to be our authentic selves fully and completely. We can be silly with our dogs, play and laugh with them without fear of being judged.


Dogs give purpose/motivation:

One of the big ways that dogs can support mental health, especially if you struggle with depression or anxiety, is that they can provide people with purpose and motivation. Dogs can give their people a reason to get up in the morning. On hard or low motivation days a dog’s needs: walks, food, play can provide structure to a day and keep their people from sinking into negative head spaces. Feeling needed by someone can help people feel as though their life has a purpose. Canine companionship can help people to feel that their life has a purpose which can improve overall mental health. Getting fresh air and exercise can also help to improve our mental health. A benefit of dog ownership is that even when we aren’t in the mood to get up and move, our dog’s needs force us as pet parents to get out of bed and go outside. This fresh air and exercise can have an additional positive effect on a pet parent’s mental health.

Dogs decreasing isolation: 

Another big benefit of dog ownership is that dogs can help to decrease isolation. When you have a dog you’re never alone. The constant companionship of dogs itself can improve mental health but unique from other types of pets, dogs can also help people to live less isolated lives. In our busy world it can be easy to feel alone, but dogs help to bring people together. It’s hard to be invisible, even in a big city when you have a dog at the end of your leash. Going out with a dog can lead to new interactions and conversations with other people in your neighborhood.  If you have a social dog, your dog’s friends may become your friends. All these interactions can lead to people feeling less isolated which can improve mental health.

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Dogs help decrease anxiety and stress: 

After a long hard day there are few things more relaxing than curling up with your dog on the couch or playing a game with your dog. Although having a dog isn’t always easy, sharing your life with a dog can help to decrease symptoms of anxiety. Studies have shown that in response to a stress test dogs can lower heart rates and blood pressures which can lead to dog owners been less anxious. Other studies have shown that children who have dogs in their lives are less likely to express symptoms of anxiety and stress. Dogs have a calming effect on their people, and can help to lower their blood pressure. Not only can this help to decrease stress and anxiety, but it can also lead to improved health. 

Dogs aren’t always enough:

Dogs can help to improve mental health, but they do not replace other mental health supports. If you find yourself struggling with depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues please seek out support from (human) friends, family, and/or therapists or other mental health professionals. Dogs can be an important part of an individual’s support system; however, they do not replace other mental health supports for people who are struggling or in crisis. If you find that you are struggling with your mental health don’t delay in seeking support to help you to get the help you need.