While all dogs need grooming, clean dog wrinkles for breeds like Pugs, Bulldogs, and Shar Peis are key to maintaining their overall health. Folds and wrinkles trap moisture and bacteria, which leads to skin irritations and infections if they are not clean. To keep our wrinkly dog friends looking and feeling their best, there are some special grooming considerations to remember.
Why Cleaning Dog Wrinkles Matter
A study from the Royal Veterinary College found that flat-faced breeds have a higher risk of skin fold dermatitis than other breeds. The lack of ventilation for the skin inside the folds, the moisture-trapping nature of the wrinkles, and the friction of the wrinkles rubbing can cause sores and infections to develop. Keeping your dog’s skin clean and dry is key to promoting healthy skin in and around the skin folds. Regular cleaning helps prevent bacteria from building up in the wrinkles and prevents skin infections from developing.

Cleaning Dog Wrinkles 101
Here are easy steps for keeping your wrinkly dog’s skin folds clean. For cleaning the wrinkles, you can use clean warm water and a washcloth. Or you can use commercially available dog skin cleaning wipes. These wipes often contain chlorhexidine which can remove bacterial and fungal growth and encourage drying skin.
Step 1: Wash your hands
Before cleaning your dog’s wrinkles it’s important to wash your hands to make sure they are clean. This prevents you from introducing bacteria or dirt into your the wrinkles while you are cleaning.
Step 2: Clean the dog wrinkles carefully
Using your washcloth with warm water or a dog skin cleansing wipe, carefully clean each wrinkle. Make sure to get down between each skin fold to clean all areas of the skin. To prevent spreading any bacteria between different parts of your dog’s body, use a different wipe for cleaning each area.
Step 3: Dry off all moisture
After cleaning each fold, it’s important to go in with a dry, clean towel to remove any water. This will prevent moisture from being held in your dog’s skin folds. If you don’t completely dry the skin, the moisture can lead to the growth of bacteria and cause infections.
How Often to Clean Your Dog’s Skin Folds
If you have a wrinkly breed, regular wrinkle cleaning is going to keep your dog looking and feeling their best. At a minimum, it’s important to clean your wrinkly dog’s folds weekly. Some dogs, especially those prone to skin infections and irritations may need their folds cleaned more frequently, even daily. In addition to regular cleaning, you’ll want to spend extra time cleaning and drying your dog’s folds if they have been swimming, playing in water, or have gotten dirty. When cleaning your dog’s skin folds, make sure to get each fold, including folds on and around your dog’s face, tail fold, and tail pocket. Make wrinkle cleaning fun and rewarding for your dog by pairing the grooming with treats, praise, and play breaks.

When To Get Support
If you notice unusual odors coming from your dog’s skin, this is an indication to clean their skin more frequently. Unpleasant, musty odors can also be an indicator that your dog may be struggling with some kind of skin infection. Additionally, yeast infections are common with wrinkly breeds. The folds trap moisture, and warmth provides an ideal location for yeast growth. If after cleaning, you still notice an unusual odor coming from your dog’s skin or any redness or irritation, or if your dog seems to be scratching a lot, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with your dog’s veterinarian. Your dog’s veterinarian will be able to determine if there is any underlying infection in need of treatment in addition to your regular wrinkle-cleaning routine.