Getting ready to add a new furbaby to your family? Congrats! Before you choose, let’s talk about some different dog breeds, the pros and cons, and which dog personality fits you and your family the best.
How Do I Pick the Right Dog?
Did you know there are actually 340 dog breeds throughout the world?! The American Kennel Club currently recognizes 197 of them. And don’t forget about all of the adorable “mutts” out there. Every dog breed and breed mix has its own specific personality and temperament. But how do you know which is the right fit for you?
Do you have allergies to pet fur and dander? Do you have young kids in the house? Maybe you live in a small apartment, or have all the space in the World for your pups to roam.

Let’s jump in and talk about different dog breed personalities, sizes, and fur types. And you’ll quickly find out which dog breed is the best fit for you.
Are Mixed Dogs Better Than Purebred?
Although a lot of people love the idea of getting a purebred because it seems prestigious, there are some downsides to that. Since a purebred has a smaller “genetic pool” to pull from, it’s more likely for them to have a health issues. And it’s sad to say, but purebred dogs will often end up suffering from recessive disorders that commonly happen from inbreeding.
On the contrary, mixed breed dogs are typically much healthier because they have a stronger genetic diversity.
In addition to that – there are so many mixed breed dogs at humane societies and shelters that are in need of good, loving homes. You can actually check out all of the dogs at shelters near you on You can search for a specific gender, size, age, and breed that you’re hoping for. They’ll show you pictures of the dogs, plus a description of their personality, and notes about any specific needs that dog might have.
Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds
Although there are no dog breeds that are 100% hypoallergenic, there are certain breeds and breed mixes that help people who suffer from pet allergies. The dander that’s in dog fur is what causes these allergy problems. And dogs who don’t shed produce less dander.

The most popular dog breed to create a hypoallergenic breed mix is the Poodle. That’s where you get all of the Labradoodles, Goldendoodles, etc. That said, The American Kennel Club has an extensive list of all the recognized hypoallergenic dogs. Some of the most popular and well-known hypoallergenic dog breeds are listed below.
- American Hairless Terrier
- Bichon Frise
- Schnauzer
- Irish Water Spaniel
- Maltese
- Poodle
- Yorkshire Terrier
Which Dogs are Best Behaved?
A lot of people want to know which are the smartest or best behaved dog breeds. But what they are really asking is: “Which dogs are the most trainable?” Just because a dog is smart, doesn’t necessarily mean they will be the best behaved. And all dogs need training. So if you want the best possible chance to have a well-behaved dog, consider adopting one of these dog breeds:
- Labrador Retriever
- Border Collie
- Poodle
- Golden Retriever
- German Shepherd Dog
- Doberman Pinscher
- Shetland Sheepdog
- Papillon
- Rottweiler
- Pembroke Welsh Corgi
- Australian Cattle Dog
Best Dog Breeds for Families with Children

If you have kids, and you’re wanting to add a new furbaby to the family, it’s important to make sure that your dog will get along with your kids, and not feel too annoyed or threatened by your children. Although most dogs can learn to love and adjust to children, some breeds will naturally mesh with them better. And it’s always better safe than sorry. Here are 10 of the best dogs for families with children:
- Labrador Retriever – this is the most popular breed in the U.S. because it is friendly, patient, and trainable.
- Beagle – intelligent, friendly, joyful, and curious.
- Irish Setter – high-energy, sweet-natured, trainable.
- Collies – high energy, devoted, and very active.
- Bulldog – calm, friendly, adaptable, and loyal.
- Golden Retriever – intelligent, agreeable, friendly, and devoted.
- Newfoundland – sweet, devoted, and patient.
- French Bulldog – smart, playful, and adaptable.
- Pug – even-tempered, loving, aims to please.
- Brussels Griffon – active, intelligent, and thrives on interaction.
Which Dog Fits Me Best?
Now that we’ve given you examples of different dog breeds and their temperaments, it’s important that you think through your needs, and the needs of your family. Do you want an active dog because you’re ready for hiking, running, and adventure? Or do you want a lazier dog who doesn’t need as much play time because your life is too busy for all that? Think before you get because a dog is a commitment. Ensuring a good fit with your dog is the best way to guarantee that your new pup will be the best addition to your family.
Good luck!