Senior dog next to food bowl

Ways To Make Mealtime Exciting For Senior Dogs

We teamed up with our friends at Brutus Bone Broth to share top mealtime tips & tricks for senior dogs. 

Imagine eating the same thing every day, twice a day, for 10+ years. Boring, right? As our dogs age, mealtime can become mundane (or even a bit challenging!). A senior dog might become picky with their food, or their teeth and gums can weaken, making eating more difficult. But here’s the exciting part: mealtime for senior dogs still has the potential to be a daily highlight, brimming with nourishment, enrichment, and pure joy. For our senior pals, it’s crucial to infuse their meals with not just nutrition but also excitement.

Arouse Their Noses 

Dogs, especially seniors, rely heavily on their sense of smell. Elevate their dining experience by adding a splash of Brutus Bone Broth (you can rotate flavors!) to their food. Not only will this tantalize their taste buds, but it will also create an aromatic experience that excites their senses. To take it up a notch, incorporate food made with whole ingredients and real meats, like those found in Spot and Tango’s recipes.

Use Interactive Feeders

Incorporating interactive toys or puzzle feeders turns mealtime into a playful challenge that stimulates your senior dog’s mind and body. By turning mealtime into a game, you add an element of excitement to their dining routine, making it engaging and enjoyable. 

DIY Tip? For an easy enrichment option, take a silicon bowl and fill it with a little bit of Brutus Bone Broth + a few pieces of UnKibble. Throw it in the freezer for a couple hours and you’ve got an licky bowl!

Make It Easy To Eat

Sometimes, a simple adjustment can bring back a senior dog’s excitement. Rehydrating Spot & Tango UnKibble with warm Brutus Bone Broth ensures easy chewing and swallowing. This turns mealtime into a warm, cozy, comforting ritual, making them look forward to their meals. The best part? It’s still easy to serve for humans too! No fridge or freezer needed.

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Variety: Every Dog’s Dream

Just like us, dogs can get bored with a monotonous diet. Introducing variety not only keeps mealtime exciting but also ensures they receive a diverse range of nutrients. Rotating between different proteins or trying out various high-quality food like Spot and Tango keeps their taste buds guessing and adds an element of surprise to each meal. A varied menu also keeps them intrigued, transforming their daily meals into a delightful culinary adventure.

Tasty Toppers

Toppers are like the icing on the cake for dogs. Whether it’s a dollop of yogurt, canned pumpkin, or crunchy vegetables, these tasty additions not only enhance the flavor but also add delightful texture variety. These toppers provide a burst of different flavors and aromas, turning an ordinary meal into a gourmet delight. Plus, they often contain additional nutrients, contributing to the overall health of your senior dog.

Mealtime Rituals 

Senior dogs thrive on routines and rituals, and mealtime can be turned into a cherished daily ritual. Using a specific phrase or sound before meals signals, or even pairing mealtime with your dog’s favorite activity, signals to your senior dog that a positive experience is coming. This consistent ritual not only creates anticipation but also strengthens the bond between you and your senior dog. 

Incorporating these practices into your senior dog’s mealtime ensures not only their nutritional needs are met but also infuses excitement and enthusiasm into their dining experience. With the wholesome goodness of Brutus Bone Broth and the variety and quality of Spot and Tango’s meals, every meal becomes a celebration, filling their golden years with the joy of delicious anticipation. Bon appétit, senior pups! 🐾🍽️