Pro Tips For Potty In Bad Weather

A common challenge that dog owners face is the struggle of trying to get their dogs and puppies to go potty outside when the weather is less than optimal. Pottying in bad weather, especially rain, snow, and cold can be especially challenging. If you are struggling with a dog who doesn’t want to go outside to do their business, here are three pro tips to encourage your dog to go potty in bad weather.

Make it a game

One of the biggest mistakes that dog owners make with trying to get their dog to potty outside is to try to rush their dog.  Usually, well-intentioned dog owners want their dog to go potty quickly hoping their dog will make the connection that by going quickly they can get back out of the cold weather. Unfortunately, dogs don’t often make that kind of abstract connection. The result is that dogs feel stressed and rushed while outside, which usually results in them taking even longer to potty.

The first step to getting dogs to go even in bad weather is to make being outside as enjoyable as possible for your dog. When you take your dog out bring treats and toys with you and try to encourage your dog to play. If you have a dog who likes to tug, that game can be great for helping to build your dog’s confidence in bad weather. If you have a dog less keen on toys, sprinkle some treats, or some of your dog’s UnKibble into the wet grass or ground and encourage your dog to sniff and find them. Sniffing is stress-reducing and can help your dog relax enough to go potty even in bad weather.  

Find Shelter

Although some dogs will do best being taken outside to potty in bad weather to the same reliable place where they are used to peeing/pooping, dogs who struggle with pottying in bad weather often do best when they are able to go somewhere that is sheltered from the worst of the weather.  When taking your dog out to relieve themselves look for areas with dense tree coverage, building overhangs, or under bridges that are likely to be dryer and may have shelter from the wind. Regardless of if you live in a big city, or somewhere quieter if you get creative chances are you can find a sheltered area that might inspire your dog to consider going potty.

Gear up!

Before taking your dog out to go potty make sure that your dog is going to be as physically comfortable as possible. Putting your dog into a properly fitted rain jacket or jacket can help keep the rain from bothering your dog as much when you take them out to potty in inclement weather.  In addition to a jacket, outfitting your dog with boots can help your dog to be more comfortable going out to potty in the rain as well as in snowy and icy conditions.

Many dogs regardless of size don’t enjoy the feeling of having their feet get wet and boots can help keep your dog’s feet dry while they go outside. Properly fitted boots also protect their sensitive feet from being cut by ice, and from chemical deicer which can burn your dog’s feet. When your dog is warm and dry, they are likely to be more inspired to potty. Don’t forget to properly gear yourself up as well. Wearing warm and dry clothing will make being outside with your dog while they find the right spot to potty more comfortable.  

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