Pet Chiropractor, Everything You Want To Know

Have you ever been adjusted by a chiropractor?  Chiropractic adjustments carefully manipulate the body to improve the range of motion, and circulation, decreasing muscle tension and reducing pain. Most of us know someone who has visited a chiropractor, but did you know that dogs can also benefit from seeing a trained pet chiropractor?

What dogs benefit from chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care is a treatment modality that a variety of dogs can benefit from. Visiting a canine chiropractor can support dogs who have ongoing orthopedic issues and injuries, or it can be part of preventative veterinary care.  Chiropractic care is often part of treatment for ongoing health conditions like arthritis and part of the treatment plan for dogs recovering (with or without surgery) from orthopedic injuries. Dogs diagnosed with hip dysplasia, disc disease, and other chronic back and neck conditions can especially benefit from appointments with a canine chiropractor. Chiropractic care can also help with nerve and muscle injuries and conditions or pain from age in senior dogs. Active dogs participating in sports like dog agility can also benefit from regular proactive chiropractic visits. These visits help these athletes to feel their best and can help to prevent injuries while engaging in sports.

Who can provide chiropractic treatment for dogs? 

When looking for a chiropractor for your dog, it’s important to ensure they have the appropriate certifications and training. Like dog acupuncture, animal chiropractors must have a Doctor of Chiropractic or a DVM, meaning being a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and specifically trained in chiropractic care for companion animals. To become a canine chiropractor, a veterinarian must go to veterinary school and then go into a specialization in chiropractic care. Veterinary chiropractors should then be certified by the Animal Chiropractic Certification Commission ACCC.


How often should my dog get adjusted by the chiropractor?

How frequently your dog visits the chiropractor will depend on your schedule, your budget, your dog’s health, and treatment needs. Your dog’s veterinary care team will be able to provide you with treatment options, including how frequently the chiropractor should adjust your dog. The frequency of adjustments will depend on if your dog has an ongoing medical condition, an acute injury, or if they are a canine athlete being proactively treated to prevent injuries. 

What are chiropractic appointments like? 

Your dog needs to be comfortable with the canine chiropractor before they begin physically adjusting your dog.  Veterinary chiropractors utilize positive reinforcement training techniques and force-free handling techniques to introduce dogs to the clinic and adjustment sessions. In most cases, dog guardians will be able to stay with their dog during the adjustment, which can also help dogs to feel comfortable with the session.

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How do dogs respond to a chiropractic adjustment?  

One of the benefits of canine chiropractic care is that many dogs will experience results immediately. Dogs that a canine chiropractor adjusts may see an immediate reduction in pain or discomfort. After an appointment with a chiropractor, dogs may be able to move more comfortably, rest easier, and show a more normal range of movement. 

Where can I find a chiropractor for my dog

Veterinary chiropractors may work independently in a private practice clinic, or they may work within a larger veterinary hospital or specialty clinic. Many veterinary chiropractors work with other holistic practitioners, including veterinary physical therapists, canine massage therapists, and acupuncturists. If you’re looking for a chiropractor for your dog, contact your primary practice veterinarian to ask for a local referral to an animal chiropractor in your area.  The Animal Chiropractic Certification Commission also has a location-based directory search tool to help you to locate a chiropractor for your dog in your local area.