My Dog Likes My Boyfriend More than Me

My Two Dads

My Dog Likes My Boyfriend More than Me. Sam and I have been dating for eleven years, so hardly “dating.” More like a common law marriage. On our tenth anniversary, to make up for the fact that I’m not sure we’ll ever be the “husband” types, we took the big leap of bringing home our baby. And just like that, life changed forever. I’ve never loved Sam more – and at the same time, never worried more that I may love a dog more than a human.


But Moe is other-worldly. The most regal presence, our German Short-Haired Pointer Moe (named as such given he completes the Three Stooges of the Upper East Side) grounds me, simply put. He wants to go for a walk when I’d normally be at cocktail hour – no problem. Cuddling on the couch on a Saturday night – absolutely. Playing fetch for hours on the beach, making me feel like the best dad in the world – heavenly. 

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But I’m also the disciplinarian…because well, someone’s gotta do it. And he deserves to be trained to be the well-behaved, mature king he is. So, begging at the table – into your crate. Barking at the neighbor, who’s back home for the 1,876,326th time – not okay. Snagging trash out of the bin – time out. Sam’s just out to lunch, life’s grand, the dog’s an angel, and I’m over-reacting. So, naturally, Moe just looooves Sam!

Sam walks in the door and Moe goes nuts, like father is home from war. Sam’s working at the dinner table late at night, Moe’s worshiping at his feet. (Newsflash buddy: Sam’s love language is gift giving; I’m the one whose is physical touch.) Sam even motions toward the leash by the door, Moe is at attention like a loyal servant at the ready. And it’s worth mentioning that Sam likes to give Moe a little more latitude than he needs. Letting some whining slide, one or two barks too many…just not a big deal in his eyes.


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So yeah, everyone thinks Moe likes Sam way more than me. And did that used to chap my heiney? 10,000%. 

Until I started to think about all the things Moe and I do together and it all started to add up…

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I may not get the big shows of affection but I get the everyday lovebug moments. And as every parent eventually realizes, love comes in all forms – different people simply fulfill different needs. But good luck getting that new watch from Moe, Sam.

Feeling slighted by your pup? Tell us how you and your partner vie for your dog’s love at