I grew up with a dog, my family has always had a dog and I’ve even talked best friends into getting dogs. So, inherently, dog parents benefit from a fair amount of generosity in my assessments of them. Dog on your iPhone background – of course. Instagram posts of his wacky Halloween costume – agreed, hilarious. But when it comes to a dog mom…
But every now and then, there’s just that dog mom who takes it a little too far. And yes, I’m going to be sexist here, because IMO, women are more prone to the obsessive tendencies than men, for whatever reason. (But gents, you’re not off the hook – I’ve got you covered below.)
But in typical fashion, as soon as it happens to you, things change and we become a little more empathetic. Now that I’m the dog mom: I’m starting to panic. Am I that dog mom?!
So, if you’re wondering: am I that dog person? here’s a checklist to, well, keep you in check.
The Chef Dog Mom

Yes, cooking for two is just more fun. But you didn’t buy that pork chop or those sausages for yourself. And you also used to prefer Saturday brunch out with the girls rather than cooking eggs in with Muffy. Time to get back out there…Muffy will enjoy a healthy Saturday in to herself, not to worry.
The Professional Photographer Dog Mom

A few photos documenting phases of life, family trips, birthdays…all totally normal. Having your dog take over the home decor…quite another. Between photo shoots, portraits, calendars, needlepoint pillows, it’s a wonder the dogs don’t get sick of themselves.
But hey, if you’ve checked off this box, we won’t tell 😉 In fact, we’ve got some tips for you from the top dog models themselves to master those doggie photoshoots!
The Travel Re-Arranger Dog Mom
Your husband’s work schedule allows for the perfect tropical vacay one week, but Sammy’s very best, A+, most favorite babysitter is only available the next. Who wins? When you’re foregoing a rare 5-star vacation just because the pup can’t have one particular 5-star nanny, well….you might be that dog mom.
Sound like you? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with 5 tips to find the perfect dog sitter.
The Excuser
“We’re still going through potty training.” “I think she may have a UTI.” “The vet said this was totally normal for this breed at his age.” This one really used to get me. Until….yep, my own baby doll of a pup had his own issues. But – no excuse. From accidents to anal sacs, time to leave the nervous answers for every not-so-swell thing Baby does at home. It’s okay, we couldn’t care less about Baby’s canine behavior – we all get it! Or at least your fellow dog moms do (and we’re all that matter, right? 😉 )
The Voice

And this one’s for the guys just as much, if not more, than the gals. But try to imagine a grown 70-year old man cuddling his 10-lb puppy saying “I wish I could pack you in my suitcase and take you with me!” Or a dude just home from the office to his yellow lab in from the yard with a tennis ball: “Heyyyy bud! How you doin’, huh?!” Pure baby talk. AKA you’ve got me completely wrapped about your paw – and I’m completely that dog person.
Not too bad after all.
Worried you’re that dog person – or spotted some other signs? We want to know! Shoot us a note at whatthepup@spotandtango.com