If you and your dog spend a lot of time in the car, it’s a good idea to set your car up to be as dog-friendly as possible. On the market for a new car? Most car dealerships are welcoming to pet dogs (call ahead to make sure) so you can bring your dog test driving with you to find the car that is the best fit for your dog. Regardless of if you have a new car, or an old reliable vehicle, here are ways to set up your car with everything your dog will need.
Safely Restrain Dogs:
The most important part of having a dog-friendly car is to think first about your dog’s safety while traveling. Your dog’s safety should be the top priority with creating a dog-friendly card. You always wear a seatbelt while in the car, and dogs should be restrained! For your dog’s safety, make sure that your vehicle is set up with crates or crash-tested seatbelts for each of your dogs.

Dogs shouldn’t ever ride loose in a car for their safety. Dogs who aren’t correctly restrained are at risk of being seriously injured or even killed in a car accident as they can be thrown from a vehicle. Even if you’re not going to be driving far, make sure that your dog is safely restrained while driving.
Have An Emergency Kit:
When making your car dog friendly, it’s essential to plan for the unexpected. Make sure that your car is outfitted with an emergency kit not just for you but also for your dog. A dog emergency car kit should include things you’ll need to care for your dog if you were to be stranded away from home. In your emergency kit, you’ll want to have a dog first aid kit which will allow you to provide immediate care to your dog if they are sick or injured before you can get them to a vet.

In your dog’s emergency kit, keep enough of your dog’s shelf-stable dry dog food to last for a day or two. You’ll also want to keep bottled water and a collapsible bowl for feeding your dog and providing water. If your dog takes any kind of daily medication, make sure that you have extra on hand in case you aren’t able to get home when you plan to. It’s also a good idea to keep copies of your dog’s veterinary records, especially proof of vaccinations, in your car.
Carry Extra Supplies:
The key to setting up a dog-friendly car is to make sure that you have extras of all the things that your dog loves and needs. These extra supplies will come in handy if you need to remember to pack something before going out or run out of supplies while on an outing with your dog. For extra supplies, it’s helpful to have an extra collar and leash for each of your dogs. You’ll also want extra poop bags in case you run out. In the car, be sure to also have water for your dog and a collapsible water bowl, as well as extra training treats and toys. Depending on your car setup, you can organize these supplies in a bag or crate with all your emergency kit to keep supplies easy to access.