Paws that smell like fritos sideways on the carpeted floor

Frito Paws: Why Your Dog’s Feet Smell Like Chips

Do your dog’s toes smell like chips? Love it or hate it, chances are you’ve gotten a big whiff of your dog’s feet and thought… Frito paws. A corn chip smell coming from your dog’s feet can be alarming, but it’s not unusual. Many dogs have feet that smell like your favorite snack. However, that corn chip smell can have a variety of causes from needing a wash to infections. 

closeup of paws that smell like fritos

Don’t Panic Over Frito Paws! 

Dogs aren’t stuffed animals, and some amount of paw odor is normal. If the Fritos smell is mild, this is probably just your dog’s regular scent and their natural bacteria. Many dog owners love the warm and cozy smell of their dog’s feet while cuddling together. So long as the Fritos smell isn’t overpowering and your dog isn’t licking or chewing on their paws, the scent of your dog’s paws probably isn’t something to worry about. 

Normal Bacteria

The main reason a dog’s feet smell like corn chips is due to the presence of natural bacteria. All dogs have bacteria on their feet, and in general, it’s not something to be concerned about. Pseudomonas and proteus are natural bacteria that are frequently present on a dog’s feet. This bacteria is generally harmless and natural, not something that dog owners need to be worried about. 

Bacteria and Yeast Infections

Frito paws can be the result of bacteria or yeast build-up in the paws. Bacteria can easily grow between your dog’s paw pads because the area is moist and warm. If there is bacteria growing on your dog’s feet, they are likely not only smelly, but also itchy and uncomfortable. The proteus bacteria is a primary cause of the corn chip smell in your dog’s feet. Similarly, yeast infections can develop in those warm, moist areas between your dog’s paw pads, causing that corn chip smell.  

 If you notice a strong Fritos smell coming from your dog’s feet, it’s a good time to look closely between the paw pads to see if there is any irritation.

Sweaty Paws

Frito paws can also smell sweet, especially during warm weather. To cool down in cool weather, dog’s pant instead of sweating like we do. However, the one place dogs do sweat, is through their paw pads. Sweaty paw pads can start to smell when the sweat gets trapped in a dog’s paw fur. 

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Frito Paws Could Be a Sign of Allergies & Infections

Skin irritations and infections can be painfully common for our dogs and also lead to smelly feet.  Infections occur because dogs come into contact with all the dirt and bacteria while out walking. When dogs lick their feet to alleviate itchiness, they can cause more irritation and can spread bacteria. Allergies are a frequent reason that dogs will start feeling itchy and feet can get smelly. For these dogs it can be helpful to feed a diet low in allergens and with ingredients that promote overall wellness. You can also give your dog allergy and immune support supplements which can help decrease allergy symptoms. If you have a dog that struggles with allergies, check your dog’s feet closely for any signs of irritation, sores, redness, or Fritos smells.

dog with frito paws giving a human hand a high five

Preventing Frito Paws

When a dog’s feet stay moist, they can start to develop bacteria which can lead to irritation, infections, and unpleasant odors. This is especially likely in dogs who have allergies, breeds that are prone to skin conditions, or who breeds with loose and wrinkled skin. One of the best ways to prevent your dog’s feet from smelling like a bag of chips is to make sure that feet stay clean and dry. Keeping your dog’s feet well-groomed decreases the Fritos smell and reduces the likelihood that bacteria will grow. 

When you come inside after a walk, it’s best to dry your dog’s feet. Not only will this keep your house cleaner, but it can prevent smelly paws. To clean your dog’s feet after walks, use warm water, or a gentle pet wipe. Then, gently dry your dog’s entire foot including between paw pads with a clean towel. If your dog’s feet are especially dirty you can also give those paws a bath using gentle hypoallergenic unscented dog shampoo. Avoid scented products that cover your dog’s natural smells which can be irritating for dogs. If your dog has a lot of long fur between their toes you can carefully trim that fur or ask your dog’s groomer to trim that fur. This will prevent moisture from getting trapped and help prevent Frito paw smells. 

Get Support

If the Fritos smell coming from your dog’s feet is overpowering or bothering you, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with your dog’s veterinarian. This is especially important if your dog is chewing or licking at their feet because this is a sign your dog is uncomfortable. A veterinarian will be able to check for infections. If infection or irritation is present, your dog’s vet may prescribe prescription medication to help clear any infection and provide treatment instructions for how to care for your dog’s feet as they heal. Once healed, keeping your dog’s feet clean and dry can help prevent issues from recurring.