How to Choose The Right Dog Gear For Hiking

Planning to hit the trails with your dog? The right backpack and gear for your dog makes hiking adventures safe and fun. A wide variety of dog backpacks are on the market and it’s overwhelming to find the right one. Dog backpacks range from casual fashion dog backpacks to more durable dog backpacks intended for long trail hikes. Here are some tips to remember when picking a dog gear for hiking. 

Consider Backpack Fit: 

When selecting a hiking backpack for your dog, consider the fit! You’ll want to find backpacks that are the right size for your dog’s breed. Many dog backpack manufacturers list specific measurements for fit. Compare the backpack specs with your dog’s chest and body measurements. For your dog’s comfort while walking, playing, and hiking, the backpack should be tight enough to keep it in place. If the backpack is from sliding around, it’s too lose. The fit should be snug enough that it doesn’t rub on your dog’s body which can cause irritation. Dog hiking backpacks should also allow a full range of motion. Restricting your dog’s movement can cause discomfort or even orthopedic injuries.

Backpack Size

When choosing a backpack for your dog, consider the most appropriate size. Small dogs should carry smaller backpacks, but a large dog doesn’t need to carry a large backpack. Select a backpack based on what you want your dog to carry. If your dog carries toys, treats, poop bags, or other small supplies, your dog doesn’t need a large bag. For longer hikes, consider a larger bag. If your dog will carry a lot, build up their endurance so they can carry more supplies. Talk with your dog’s vet as you look at backpacks to determine what is appropriate for your dog to carry. 


If you and your dog are going to do a lot of hiking, consider how durability and waterproof-ness of the backpack. Waterproof compartments in the backpack keeps food, treats, or any other supplies dry. If you’ll be in the rain or exposed to wet conditions for long periods of time, a waterproof bag may be the most effective on the trails. 

Other Features to Consider

When purchasing a dog backpack for hiking, consider visibility needs. For example, reflective stripes help if you are out in the early morning or late evening. Another feature to consider is a leash attachment or a different collar and harness. Yet another feature is: color. Brightly colored backpacks help improve your dog’s visibility while hiking. Visibility is especially useful in areas where hunting occurs.

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Other Hiking Gear

When considering a dog backpack for hiking, there are other hiking supplies to invest in too. For example, ensure you have the right leash or leashes. A standard six-foot leash is a good rule of thumb on populated trails. If you’re going to be adventuring in a more open area, bring a long-line leash to give your dog more room to explore.

If you have a large dog, consider an emergency rescue harness. This allows you to safely and more comfortably carry your large dog if they get injured while hiking. When hiking, you should also carry a canine first aid kit in your pack or in your dog’s backpack. These first aid kits have everything you need to help patch your dog up if they get minor injuries while hiking until you can get off the trail and get to a veterinarian. 

It’s also helpful to have dog boots for your dog in your hiking supplies. Dog boots can protect your dog’s feet from getting cut on sharp rocks. Dog boots can also protect your dog’s paw pads from getting burned if you’re hiking during summer or when temperatures are high.