If you read Luke and Wilson’s story on how to be the ultimate Dating-finder duo, you know Luke’s culled it down to a science. Or has he?
Here are some perspective from the other sides – meet some of the ladies he has met since getting Wilson.
Doggy Dating & Human Mating: Laura (from Nashville) with Monty, the Accidental Wingman

Post-quarantine, we traded the suburbs for the city, and Monty and I hit the streets with that change-in-season pep in our steps. I had definitely taken note the first time we saw them but in typical fashion, was too shy to approach.
Then, after a couple sightings, we finally had a run-in. The adorable Labradoodle darted over, and Monty stepped up to the plate, tussling just long enough for me to get even-cuter-dad’s digits. Cocktails in the park next week – and with someone I’ve actually met in person. Score.
Doggy Dating & Human Mating: Jessica (from Long Island) and Janie her discerning doodle

Janie’s pretty discerning when it comes to suitors. I guess it’s her royal background. Need a haircut? No thanks. Smell like garbage? Get out of my face. Some busted leash? Not my style.
Emperor’s dog or fashion-obsessed mom, it’s a toss-up; but when her equally attractive counterpart struts by in our neighborhood park, both our ears perk up. He’s always energetic, but not too much. Friendly, but not silly. His get-up reads: out in the field, but not getting my paws too dirty. English countryside meets Wyoming ranch.
He obviously gets his style from dad. We won’t be venturing out of the park any time soon.
Doggy Dating & Human Mating: Amy (from Savannah) with her Cougar Tallulah

Tallulah has had nine lives – so I guess she’s just over the games. If she likes you, you’ll know it. Which is great when her targets have hot dads. Not so great when mom’s not so interested in the small talk.
Lately, her object of affection is Wilson, a Labradoodle puppy. He’s lovely, playful, approachable – dad, a little more hmmm…subdued. Dogs are usually conversation starters, connectors. But with Wilson’s dad, I’m stumped. The dude is so quiet – maybe he’s expecting me to step up like Toots? I’m more of a Hinge fan than Bumble for this very reason; guess the games continue IRL too.
Doggy Dating & Human Mating: Farrah (from New Hampshire) and Jackson her petite pointer

Jackson and I have quite a few friends at Washington Square Park. Often we toggle between the small and large dog runs, thanks to his stature as a petite pointer, expanding our circle of park friends.
But geez, he has this one Labradoodle pup whose dad won’t even look away from the dogs, much less make a conversation. He makes a point to come “speak” to us every time, but then it’s like he can’t get home fast enough. Why I get insecure about a “dog friend,” I have no idea.
Doggy Dating & Human Mating: Mags (from Brooklyn) finding a friend Callie

I think he stalked her. Our block is pretty tight; I knew they didn’t live in the hood. But every time they passed, Wilson the Labradoodle jutted across the street to see my girl.
At first, it was small talk while they sniffed and pawed. Then small talk turned into walks to the corner together, followed by longer strolls and actual adult conversations. Finally, dad Luke actually got my number and asked me out.
It’s still early but trading fifty Bumble matches for one in-person try-on…I’ll take it. He probably has other girls in the mix – but likely not approved by Wilson.