How To Create A Safe And Fun Backyard For Your Dog

Dogs crave the outdoors. After all, most breeds are naturally meant to work outside. While dogs may enjoy the controlled temperature and comfort of your house, they need to fulfill their biological needs to exercise and explore outdoors, whether running, sniffing, or digging.  If you’re fortunate enough to have a backyard, you can utilize your space to create a safe and fun environment for your dog. Today, we hope to inspire some creative ideas for you to make the most of your yard so you and your dog can enjoy a safe and fun backyard together. 

Creating a Safe Yard For Your Dog

First, we will review some safety features you can install in your yard so you don’t risk your pup getting injured or sick. 

Installing a Fence

Unless you live in a secluded area far from neighbors, installing a fence is one of the best safety features for a dog-safe backyard. Even if your dog has excellent recall skills, other animals can easily invade your unfenced yard. If your dog is reactive, a privacy fence can help relieve their worries about strangers and dogs walking through the neighborhood.

Secure Gates

Even if you have a sturdy fence, securing the gates is another concern. Since the gates are constantly in use, they tend to wear down and become less stable. And if you have an escape artist for a dog, they will eventually figure out how to open the gate even if you have a simple latch to secure it. Installing a heavy-duty latch or multiple latches to secure your gate is a great way to ensure your dog doesn’t escape your yard. You should also regularly check the hardware and latches to ensure they work correctly.

Pet-Friendly Plants and Landscaping Materials

Something that most dog owners overlook when setting up a safe and fun backyard for their dogs is the plants that fill the space. Many plants and even mulches that you may have in your yard can be toxic to dogs. Research the plants and landscaping materials you already have in your yard or plan to bring into your yard to ensure they are pet friendly.

Poo Problems

Let’s face it: no one likes a yard full of dog poop. It is highly smelly, and dog feces pose a health risk to you and your dog. Poop attracts bugs like flies that will lay their eggs in or near your dog’s droppings–something you do not want all over your yard. 

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Creating a designated area for your dog to use the bathroom is a great way to reduce the risk of disease and help control the smell. When you let your dog out to relieve themself, take them to the designated space. Over time, they will go to that specific area to use the bathroom by themself. You can also put some barriers around that area to help prevent guests or children from accidentally walking through it. 

Providing Shade and Protection From Weather

Providing shade and shelter for your dog is crucial to having a safe and enjoyable outdoor space. While having some big shady trees can be beneficial, creating a shelter can provide even more protection from the scorching sun and weather. You can also put an elevated dog cot or cooling mat in the shelter or shade.

Keeping Your House Clean

If your dog can roam indoors and outdoors, they will likely track in dirt and mud, not to mention they can also walk through droppings and bring residue inside. A paw washing station is a great way to keep your dog and house clean and safe. While there are paw-washing devices you can purchase, you can also create one yourself. There are countless tutorials online that you can follow to assemble an effective paw-washing station.

Creating a Fun Yard For Your Dog

Now that the most important aspect (dog safety) is out of the way, we can focus on adding some fun elements to your yard! While most dogs would enjoy just being outside and sniffing around, there are so many ways you can take your yard to the next level of canine fun!

Creating a Safe Space To Dig

If your dog likes to dig, installing a sandbox can bring tons of entertainment. There are many ways you can construct a sandbox. You could simply make a square frame out of wood, set it on the ground, and fill it with sand, or if you’re willing to do some extra work, you could even dig a hole, set the frame in the spot, and fill it with sand. Lastly, the easiest approach would be to buy a plastic kiddie pool and fill it with sand. 

Once you’ve built your sandbox, you can use your dog’s favorite toys or buy some new and exciting ones and bury them in the sand. Encourage your dog to find them by digging so they learn that they can dig in the sand. This is an excellent diversion if your dog likes digging up your garden or randomly making holes throughout your yard.

Fun with Water

Dogs experience heat even worse than humans due to their fur-covered bodies. Therefore, we must take extra precautions when letting them play during the extreme summer months. We can help them cool down without restricting them from exercising and playing by getting a pool or a sprinkler toy. Most water-loving dogs will be content with a simple plastic kiddie pool and any sprinkler you find at the store. However, if you want to go the extra mile, you can also purchase doggie sprinkler pads, a type of slip-and-slides for dogs. 

Designing an Agility Course

Some dogs have an infinite amount of energy, so it can be essential to go further to keep them entertained. If that’s the case with your dog, you’ll need to take the entertainment to the next level! Installing a mini agility course in your yard allows you to enjoy the fun of this vigorous sport in the comfort of your yard. Agility offers both physical exercise and mental stimulation, the perfect combination to tire your dog. While you can purchase ready-made and designed agility course obstacles, you can create some yourself. You can use random things around your house, like broomsticks and chairs. 

Outdoor Dog Toys

There is a plethora of dog toys readily available to pet owners everywhere. Among these fantastic play devices are toys made specifically for outdoor use. These include tugs secured to the ground or tied to trees, tennis ball launching machines, and other excitement-enticing toys.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance ensures you will have a safe and fun backyard for a long time. However, apart from mowing the lawn every few weeks, there are other tasks you have to complete daily to protect yourself, your dog, and your lawn. 

Wild Animals and Insects

Depending on where you live, you might be at risk of certain wild animals invading your yard, including snakes, rats, and raccoons, among others. Let’s not forget the pesky insects that can be just as dangerous as they are annoying. Wild animals and bothersome insects can harm you and your dog, and some can even transmit diseases. Fire ants, bees and wasps, mosquitoes, and ticks pose health risks to humans and pets. 

Check for places where wild animals may hide and inspect for ant mounds, hives, and still water (mosquitoes lay eggs in water). If you suspect any wild animals are residing in or regularly visiting your yard, call your local animal control–they will be able to remove and relocate the animals with minimal stress and harm. You can purchase human and pet-safe insect repellants and killers if you struggle with bothersome insects. You can also work with an exterminator to properly remove the bugs and keep them away longer.

Inspect Fencing and Gates

Regularly check the fence for broken parts if you have a fenced yard. Especially wire or chain link fences can become worn over time and create sharp edges or points. You should also inspect the gates and latches to ensure everything works properly.

Waste Removal

Lastly, waste removal is the most tedious maintenance task you will have to perform. Disposing of your dog’s feces can help reduce the foul odor and the risk of unwanted bugs and diseases. There are different ways to dispose of your dog’s droppings; however, the most efficient and environmentally friendly way is to bag it and throw it in the trash. If you don’t want to deal with it, you can also hire a dog poop disposal company to dispose of it for you. 

Dogs love spending time outside, and by implementing one or more of these elements, you will take the entertainment to the next level! Whether you add something small, like a new toy, or go all out with an agility course, and you increase the safety with a fence or cooling area, your dog will have a blast in their safe and fun backyard!