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15 Facts About The Chihuahua

The Chihuahua is a dog with a personality far bigger than their small size. They’re super alert and amusing with a big-dog attitude. A national symbol of Mexico, they are one of the oldest breeds of the Americas, with a lineage going back to the ancient kingdoms of pre-Columbian times.

While Americans pronounce the breed name as something close to “Chuh-wow-wowa,” the true pronunciation is more like “Shee-wa-wa.”

They love a lap as much as they love ruling a household. Their small size makes them perfect for city living, although they generally do not like cold weather, but we see that as an opportunity to buy her some cute clothing. Here are 20 fun facts about this small (but mighty) breed.

  1. Chihuahuas are the smallest dog breed in the world!

The smallest dog breed in the world is a Chihuahua, ranging from 15 to 23 centimeters or 5.9 to 9 inches in height. Chihuahuas weigh between four to six pounds and can have shorter or longer fur, depending on the dog. The smallest dog in history was a Chihuahua named Miracle Milly. She was 3.8 inches tall, weighing approximately one pound.

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  1. Chihuahuas stay small

If you want a dog that stays puppy-sized forever, then a Chihuahua may be right for you. These adorable dogs typically do not get above 10 lbs and can often be found curled in a donut position on your lap or burrowed under the cover. 

  1. Chihuahuas have long lifespans

The Chihuahua dog has an average life expectancy of between 14-16 years, making them one of longest living breeds.

  1. Chihuahuas are very attached to their owners

Chihuahuas really love their people. They are excellent companion dogs and want to be with their owner(s) all the time, everywhere they go. They are happiest when curled in your lap or on your pillow right next to you. Their small size makes them very portable. 

  1. Chihuahuas have fun and playful personalities

Chihuahuas have much bigger personalities than their size. They are quirky, funny, and extremely aware of everything going on around them. Watch out, or they will rule the roost!

  1. Chihuahuas are smart and easy to train

Despite their tiny heads, chihuahuas are very intelligent and quick learners, and eager to please. They also tend to respond well to positive reinforcement (aka high value treats and delicious food), so always be sure to have plenty of treats on hand. When you stay consistent, your chihuahua should be relatively easy to train. 

  1. All Chihuahuas do not look the same

The AKC recognizes 2 types of Chihuahuas – Short Coat and Long Coat. To the undiscerning eye, all Chi’s may look the same, but there are noticeably different subsets to the 2 varieties.

Smooth-coated Chihuahuas have shorter fur that is soft, close, and glossy. They have furry tails and ruffled necks.

Long-coated Chihuahuas are soft with longer fur that is either flat or wavy.

Coat length, skull shape, and size are some of the most common ways Chihuahuas are classified, but these little lads and ladies also come in various coat colors and pattern varieties. Accordingly, you may see them referred to as fawn Chihuahuas, white Chihuahuas, or any of the other colors seen in the breed.

  1. Chihuahuas are great guard dogs

Chihuahuas are extremely alert and intelligent while also tending to mistrust strangers. These attributes make them great guard dogs. They are small but mighty. While Chihuahuas are small dogs, their size doesn’t make them timid. They’re highly unpredictable and brave dogs that are good at hiding their fear. One may often see a Chihuahua annoying bigger dogs when the dogs intimidate them.

  1. Chihuahuas are very affordable to feed

Depending on their size, the Chihuahua dog only needs about 4-10 oz of food a day. Spot & Tango is all about making dog food personal. That’s why they offer customized plans based on your dog’s specific breed, weight, age, and other dietary needs. After filling out our questionnaire, you’ll receive a personalized recommendation that you know is just right for your Chihuahua. Their recipes are all certified by AAFCO to ensure their dog food fulfills the dietary requirements for Chihuahuas, and they only use the highest quality fresh ingredients so your Chihuahua can live a longer and happier life.

Their pre-portioned packs ensure that your Chihuahua gets exactly the right amount of food, with no hassle for you. Ultimately, they make it easy to find and feed the best dog food for your Chihuahua. Spot & Tango can also be particularly effective if your Chihuahua has a sensitive stomach, is overweight, needs a high-protein diet, or is an elderly dog.

  1. Chihuahuas don’t require much grooming

The Chihuahua requires only an occasional bath and brushing and sheds occasionally. The hardest thing about grooming this adorable pet is learning how to safely and confidently handle them so they won’t become nervous and stressed.

Due to the small size of a Chihuahua, a clean sink is often better than a bathtub. The smaller space allows an owner to better handle the dog and for Chihuahuas that are nervous of the water, it allows for a less intimidating experience.

  1. Chihuahuas have different head shape types

Apple Head: the most common head shape for a chihuahua. An apple-head Chihuahua means their head is rounded and shaped a little like … you guessed it… an apple (with a shorter muzzle).

Deer Head: The deer head is slightly longer with no slope on the nose. They look more “deer-like” than the apple head. Deer head Chi’s often grow a little larger than their apple-headed cousins. 

Pear Head: In fashion terms, the pear head is a “collab” between the apple-head and the deer-head. (Apple-Head Chihuahua + Deer-Head Chihuahua = Pear-Head Chihuahua). The skull resembles a pear with flatter skulls and larger muzzles. There is nothing special or exotic about this shape so don’t be taken by a breeder who tries to up-sell you.

  1. Chihuahuas are fragile

Chihuahuas may act tough and mighty like a big dog, but their small size makes them a little more fragile. Even if it seems like your chi has springs on their feet, jumping on or off the sofa can cause injury or leg issues. Chihuahuas of any type tend to have really delicate legs.

They are also very sensitive to the cold. In the house, Chihuahuas are likely to seek out the warm spots, even if that means burrowing under the blankets in bed with you at night. But this gives owners the chance to buy them dog sweaters, coats, and an entire winter wardrobe! 

  1. Chihuahuas make great apartment pets

Seems like we are always talking about their size! A chihuahua’s small size makes them a very good option for apartment living. Just walking from room to room can be a workout for their little legs. Thanks to their small size, they also have virtually no exercise needs that can’t be met right there on your couch.

  1. There are more chihuahuas in shelters than any other breed

Adopting a dog is always a great option, as it saves both a life and lots of money. Chihuahuas are very popular and often overbred, so they show up in shelters every day. There are so many Chihuahuas in shelters because of Hollywood hype, stereotypes, over-breeding, physical appearance, life span, the belief that they’re unfit for families and children, and because their personalities are feisty, active, vocal, possessive, aggressive, and high-maintenance (but don’t let that turn you off from this loyal breed).

Adopters also think a shivering dog is hard to take care of. That’s why Chihuahuas don’t get adopted often. People think they tremble because they’re sick or too scared. But in reality, it’s natural for Chihuahuas to tremble. They do this when scared, happy, excited, or cold.

  1. They’re named for the Mexican state of Chihuahua, where the breed originated

The modern Chihuahua is most likely a cross between the Techichi, an ancient breed from Central and South America, and small hairless dogs that originated in Asia. In spite of the fact that the breed is now thought of as Mexican, some version of the Chihuahua is found in artifacts of civilizations around the globe.